Do not Leave Flowers Here

If I don’t make it home tonight
If this stop light or intersection becomes the site,
of where those dressed in blue, moonlight, as executioners
continuously causing terror and fright,
in helpless unarmed black bodies like mine.
I’ll be fine.
But, don’t leave flowers for me here.
When you were born, we put olive oil all over your room
anointed your hands and feet,
Not knowing then, the cost of balancing unimaginable hurdles and dangerous feats,
You’d have to perform,
But beloved, this can’t and won’t be the norm.
So please, don’t leave flowers for me here.
if I don’t make it home tonight
Carry the knowledge of my love for you, as your flowers
Let each petal, be your certainty
that your melanin is a coat of many colors
Given by a proud Black father,
who saw the future in you.
If I don’t make it home tonight
Don’t leave flowers for me here.
At this site of my execution.
Instead gather up every last petal, as a new tradition
Pass them out in the community
to those mourning, grieving and broken
Tell them that you love them. Like I loved you.
But please,
don’t leave flowers for me here.